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Woodworking Tools
Carbide Tipped Saw Blades

   Have your carbide saw blades professionally sharpened and sent back to you. We sharpen 71/4" to 30" diameter carbide blades.

We sharpen all woodworking carbide tipped circular saw blades. Blades are precision sharpened and in most cases are sharper after we sharpen them then they were brand new. We sharpen circular saw blades up to 30" in diameter. We do not repair or replace carbide teeth on circular saw blades. If you don't say we will go ahead and sharpen carbide circular saw blades with up to 3% of the teeth missing. We remove as little carbide as possible so that you get the maximum number of sharpening's out of any of your saw blades. After sharpening we check each blade for plate run out and tooth runout making sure both are no more then .005. You will always get back your own saw blades and not somebody else's. 

   We do not replace carbide tips. If you have a blade that has more than 3% broken teeth, we will not sharpen that blade.

Carbide Tipped Saw Blades, Biscuit Cutters, Milling Cutters, Scoring Blades

We Sharpen Up To 30" Diameter Saw Blades

         ATB / FLAT             ATBR / TC
       $.25 per tooth          $.35 per tooth

7 1/4" Contractor Blades    $6.75 

Carbide Dado Blades

   Have your stacked dado sets professionally sharpened and sent back to you. We sharpen most all styles of dado blades. We need to receive both outer blades and all the chippers to the set you are sending, as they all need to be sharpened at the same time to properly sharpen them and keep them as a matched set.

Dado Blades and Chippers   - $.35 per tooth on outer blades and $3.50 per chipper

Planer and Jointer Blades

   We specialize in precision sharpening of carbide and HSS planer and jointer blades. We flat grind these blades. Our primary goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality sharpening service possible, while also offering an unbeatable level of customer service. 

   Our experienced technicians use state-of-the-art equipment to bring your tools back to their original sharpness, while also helping to extend the life of your tools. We take pride in our commitment to providing the highest quality sharpening service available. We can easily sharpen planer blades up to 30" in length.


HSS Prices 

Single Edged HSS Jointer and Planer Blades - 1/8" Thick $.50 per inch* - 3/8" Thick $.75 per inch* - 1/2" Thick $1.00 per Inch*

Double Edged HSS Jointer and Planer Blades -1/8" Thick $1.00 per inch* - 3/8" Thick $1.50 per Inch* - 1/2" Thick $2.00 per Inch*

Match grinding 25% more. We cannot sharpen double edge planer blades that are under 1/8" thick.


Carbide Prices 

Single Edged Carbide Jointer and Planer Blades - 1/8" Thick $1.00 per inch* - 3/8" Thick $1.50 per Inch* - 1/2" Thick $2.00 per Inch*

Double Edged Carbide Jointer and Planer Blades - 1/8" Thick $2.00 per inch* - 3/8" Thick $3.00 per Inch* - 1/2" Thick $4.00 per Inch*

Match grinding 25% more. We cannot sharpen double edge planer blades that are under 1/8" thick.


*(Minimum $3.00 Per Blade)

** Once we inspect your blades if there are any blades with nicks over 1/16" there may be a charge for additional grinding.

Hand Plane Blades
   We sharpen hand planes blade bevels at 25 degrees. If you prefer a different angle just let us know what angle you want your hand plane blades sharpened at. When put on a good sharp straight edge but it will be up to you to finish with your stones and hone/polish.  - $5.00 each
Wood Chisels
   We can sharpen your chisels correcting the primary angle on your chisel with a primary angle of your choice 20, 25, and 30 degrees. Your chisels will come back sharp with a straight / square edge. It will be up to you to finish with your stones and polish. Just let us know what angles you want your wood chisels sharpened at. - $4.00 each
Wood Auger Bits
   We precision sharpen these bits so they will give you an outstanding performance when used. $3.50 each






Multispur Wood Bits

  We sharpen these HSS bits for $4.50 each

Forstner Bits

  We sharpen these bits for $4.50 each

Brad Point Bits

​ $3.50 per bit

​ Wood Spade Bits

​ $2.50 each

Business Information

   We take in orders daily from around the country. They are processed and returned within three business days after the day of arrival which is usually in late afternoons. All orders are shipped back via USPS priority mail unless UPS is specifically requested.

Shipped in Sharpening Orders 

  1. Print Our Order Form

  2. Make a packing list and fill out accurately what items you are sending to be sharpened.

  3. Carefully package up the items you are having sharpened, making sure you wrap all sharp edges and put cardboard or newspaper in between each carbide saw blade so the blade teeth do not bang together during shipping.

  4. Make sure your package includes a packing list inside your package with your name, shipping address, email address, the items and quantities you are sending, the amount of insurance on return shipping if any.

  5. Make sure you make an accurate list as when your package arrives, and we make check everything if the items and quantities don't match it could delay processing until we get it figured out what is correct.

  6. Once your order arrives, we will invoice it, add return shipping and send you an invoice by email. You can pay via Visa, Master Card, Discover Card, or American Express, or by ACH directly out of your checking account. 

  7. Once you have paid, we will process your order and ship it back to you.

  8. Orders ship back by priority mail.

  9. If you want insurance on return please let us know and enclose that as well. 

Send Your Sharpening Order To:

Wabash Valley Tool Sharpening

3297 E 350 N

Marshall Indiana 47859



Carbide Saw Blades
Dado Blades
Planer and Jointer Blades
Hand Plane Blades
Wood Chisels
wood auger bits
Multispur Wood Bits
Forstner Bits
Brad point bits
Wood Spade Bits

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Wabash Valley Enterprises
Customer Support
8:00 Am-3:00 Pm
Sat 8:00-12:00
Central Time

© 2024 Wabash Valley Enterprises

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